Religious Education at St Michael's Catholic High School


The Mission Statement recognises that Jesus Christ is the 'cornerstone' of all education at St Michael's Catholic High School.  The Mission Statement also reflects the charism of the Dominican Sisters, the founders of the school, to pursue truth and to strive for excellence in the education of young people.  

The school curriculum is not simply a structure of subjects, lessons and timetables that our students enjoy but is the sum of the many enriching experiences offered to the school community.  The curriculum both supports and challenges each individual to achieve excellence academically, spiritually, morally, physically, culturally and socially.  Belonging to such a community of faith will better equip each person to make a positive contribution to the world, respecting the dignity of every human being made in God's image. 

We believe our curriculum makes a difference to who our students are and who they will become, and fosters in our students a sense of striving for excellence. The curriculum gives them the currency – in knowledge and skills, examination results and enriched experiences – necessary to take their next exciting, informed and ambitious steps.

St Michael's Curriculum Statement

Religious Education Curriculum Map

Religious Education Examination Results Summary:-

    2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
A Level Pass Rate A*-C   81% 69% 73%
GCSE Pass Rate A*-C   84% 88% 76%