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KS3 Curriculum Overview
The Curriculum offered in KS3 includes spiritual, moral, religious, linguistic, literacy, aesthetic, geographical, environmental and physical areas of knowledge and experience. In Years 7 – 9, in addition to Religious Education, the core and foundation subjects of the National Curriculum. The focus in Key stage 3 is to ensure a nurturing learning environment with a specific focus on developing strong basic skills alongside a broad and balanced curriculum. This provide a foundation for good progress in the future years. Each department offers a relevant, balanced and differentiated curriculum, written by our teachers for our students, that has regard to the National Curriculum.
We take enormous pride in in providing a high standard of pastoral care and guidance, so that students secure a solid base with which to build their future, this happens both in and outside of the classroom.
The Key Stage 3 Pastoral Team is:
Mr N. Green (Year 7 PALC) green.n@stmichaelscatholichighschool.co.uk
Mr C. Longer (Year 8 PALC) longer.c@stmichaelscatholichighschool.co.uk
Ms. V Irwin (Year 9 PALC) irwin.v@stmichaelscatholichighschool.co.uk
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