Social Justice

Social Justice and the ability to support and serve those in need is living out of School Mission and we are proud to be able to support many worthwhile cauises, with key ones being outlined below:-

Mission of Hope

St Michael’s continues to support a past student, Sister Mary Joachim, and her ‘Mission of Hope’ in Ethiopia. The students have raised money for a training college and a school, and are now fundraising to build a hospice. One way of raising money is on St Michael's Day, when the whole school demonstrates to the local community its commitment to social justice by parading in fancy dress in a sponsored walk of five miles, with the money raised going towards the various projects we support. In addition, during Lent, every tutor group is encouraged to identify an initiative and then implement it, again to fundraise for our various ventures.  We are humbled and priviledged to support the Mission and their work.  Please see recent newsletter below:-

Mission of Hope _ Summer 2024 Newsletter


Lourdes is a stark reminder that no-one should be written off: not the elderly, the sick nor the less gifted. All are endowed with dignity and qualities proper to a human being. In Lourdes the dignity of every human  is respected and valued and a true sense of community is established.

Life is an extraordinary adventure, a God-given gift to be cherished, treasured and protected. People have found that Lourdes profoundly touches and inspires them through the witness of sick pilgrims.

Our students are involved in looking after the needs of the sick and infirm, working alongside doctors and nurses and carers with the Society, taking the pilgrims around in wheelchairs, entertaining them, accompanying them to liturgies.  In recent years the school have been active in leading liturgies. The now familiar “Green hoodies” add great colour to the services and events of the week. Many students and staff return with their life changed for the better, bringing the lessons of Lourdes into the school community. Many students choose to return as helpers with the Society such is the impact of the week.

St michaels high school lourdes

Borehole Projects , Nigeria - Bringing Water to large communities and enriching lives.

The school community, through magnificent fund raising initiatvies via the Lent Campaign and Sponsored Walk has enabled the installation of Three Borehole Projects across three remote villages  Mbagbera, Mbasu and Mbashimbe in Nigeria.   This has literally been life changing as these projects have brought clean fresh water supplies to well over 500,000 people.

Details of the latest works comepleted can be found below.

Mbashimbe, Benue State, Nigeria

Soeurs de Sainte Marie - Rwanda

Another one of the projects close to our hearts,  has been the longstanding development and support of a school in Rwanda which we helped build several years and continue to support with building/maintenance work and the much needed educational provision of young students.  Last year, we facilitated the replacement of boilers in addition to the ongoing sponsorship of students who without this would be unable to access education.  We are humbed and proud of our ability to support this worthwhile cause.   Some further information regarding this can be found on the link below.

Soeurs de Sainte Marie, Kigal, Rwanda 

 Students from Rugogwe sponsored by St. Michael's